PHSE Workshops
Embracing Arts are passionate about making PSHE content more inclusive for pupils with complex educational needs. We currently offer the following workshops:
Online safety
Stranger danger
Life skills
Building self-esteem
Being different
Racism and diversity

Making inclusive arts accessible to all
Embracing Arts is a theatre company dedicated to creating work for children with special educational needs and/or life limiting conditions.
We offer a range of interactive, multi-sensory theatrical experiences, brought to children and their families wherever they are.
From live and digital shows, to parties and workshops, our work is tailored to the unique needs of each audience using sensory storytelling, interaction, song and puppetry to entertain, engage and educate. Delivered by our team of passionate and experienced actor-facilitators, we travel to children's hospices, SEND schools, community groups and families all across the UK.
Because we believe every child deserves the magic of theatre.
Embracing Arts was named
'Children's Charity of the Year' at the
Kent Charity Awards 2023.
Our digital work was highly commended at the Third Sector Awards in 2021.

Our annual project - Christmas for Kids (C4K)
Information Video
Christmas for Kids are specially designed interactive shows - bursting with music, interaction and sensory stimuli. Inclusive for all, they are performed in children's hospices and SEND schools across the UK, entirely for free!
Here our CEO & Creative Director tell you more about the project and the fundraising behind it.
Testimonials Video
The best way to explain how important C4K is to our audiences is to let them tell you themselves! This video features audience members from hospices and schools who share what it is about our work that they find so meaningful, joyful and vital to their children's wellbeing.
'Chrimblesense' Impact Video
A video showing the impact of our multi-sensory festive show, 'Chrimblesense'. The show is an exploration of winter and Christmas ('Chrimble') using creative storytelling, intensive interaction and multi-sensory theatre techniques.
This performance was an open dress rehearsal with an audience of pupils with autism from Livity SEND School, Lambeth.
Our Impact
Our projects are designed especially for children are often excluded from theatre in its traditional form due to health needs, care needs, educational needs and because most theatre spaces aren't accessible for them. We make the content of our shows, parties and workshops inclusive - involving siblings, carers, parents and teachers just as much as the children themselves to provide a shared experience that everyone can enjoy.
Our Outcomes:
To enable children with complex needs and people in their wider support network – parents, siblings, carers, and staff - to experience escapism and joy through high-quality arts provision.
To enable children to feel included through fully interactive shows, workshops and parties that reflect and celebrate being different.
To provide children with a unique theatrical experience provided by top-class performers who adapt to each individual and audience.
To improve the emotional wellbeing of children, parents, siblings, carers and staff.
To share skills and ideas for creative exploration with teachers, carers and family members.
To provide skills development and community engagement opportunities for actors – with a focus on those early on in their careers and actors with visible/invisible disabilities.

Feedback, Information & Evaluation Reports
C4K Audiences surveyed in 2024:
99% of C4K Live audiences said the child in their care enjoyed the show and found it engaging
99% felt the C4K Live show had a positive impact on the wellbeing of the child in their care, as well as their own
97% of audience surveyed said they enjoyed the C4K Digital show
95% felt the C4K Digital show demonstrated an understanding of children with complex needs
Some of our favourite moments...